Affordable Family Adventures in the Fraser Canyon
Immerse yourself in the Fraser Canyon - where unique history, stunning views, and family-friendly attractions offer fun for all ages. Embark on a scenic journey along the winding roads next to the mighty Fraser River, crafting cherished memories…
Valentine’s Day for Adventurers
There’s no better place than Hope, Cascades and Canyons to get hearts racing on Valentine’s Day! Click here for activities and adventures that will have you falling in love all over again!
Being Bear Aware in Hope, Cascades & Canyons
In this blog, we will teach you about grizzly and black bears, avoiding them, and what you can do if you are faced with a bear encounter.
Spring Freshet Safety in Hope, Cascades & Canyons
After a long, snowy winter, spring is sure to follow, and with it comes the thawing of snowpacks and ice, known as the spring freshet. In BC, this usually occurs from April to early July, depending on the volume of snow. Rapid snowmelt causes…
Salmon Spawning at Sucker’s Creek
This time of year brings a unique opportunity when exploring the outdoors in Hope. Witnessing salmon spawning at Sucker's Creek is an extraordinary experience. And with its accessible trail, it's an enjoyable activity for all ages!Sucker's…